MA Applied Imagination Online Class Notes


21st April Online Class notes:

Debrief project 5 & briefing project 6

Dragons: presentation skills – display things clearly put everything out there

Tutor feedbacks: evidence of your work through blog, create project and refine the pitch and display to the dragons of a month worth work 


attitude , attitude matters

The fact that wanting approval from peers is what stops a lot of people from succeeding 

weakest point matter more than strongest sometimes

Disrupters plays an important role in the world, we have to invite numerous people involved in our network 

the Weak-link game: “The organisation is only as strong as the weakest link.” Needs participation of teammates. It matters who the worst teammate is.

how intervention have become optical

Project 6: This project is designed to help you define and articulate your Unit Two MA question : your subject area, motivation, methodology and research strategy .

Project to really think about , might be a continuation from project 5 

They should be based on real and important questions (for you and for others), and should define a strategy which allows for rigorous

What why how if

headings represent 4 distinct aspects of your proposed project, but each component 

one page – 500 words proposal 

it should detail what is the subject or area that you intend to research? what is the precise question that you will be addressing?

Why will this research be of value to you and the world?

How will you accomplish your project in practical terms? What will be your methodology, management strategy, and schedule?

What are the positive implications and potential if you achieve this mastery? How will this position you (and your stakeholders) at the end of the course?

21st april- Class project briefing

27th: Tutorials, communicate initial what and why

30th : Draft submission of your 500-word proposal

4th May: tutorials

11th May Presentation 

14th May: Final hand-in date for What Why How If and learning agreement 

Book: Made to Stick : Ultimate model of simplicity – a one-sentence statement so profound that an individual could spend a lifetime learning to follow it or share it

Basics – Deliverables – learning outcomes 

Monday 2.00pm tutorials

Tuesday 2.00pm Seminars. etc

Wednesday 2.00pm: lectures, speakers

What why how if : believe in your plan make it real

make sure you understand them reflect on how you have achieved then in your learning agreement 

Your blog is personal: It is your own unique account of your learning, Don’t be afraid to share your emotions and your reflections about your work.

Window to your process. Don’t be afraid to use your blog to discuss your failures and setbacks: your frustrations. No genuine learning log would ever be and unbroken series of successes. 

outcome – small change/ big change/ set up a new business / integration with the real world / beyond what you’ve gained from the course

Don’t be afraid of your own question 

an intervention is a change-making tool used to gain feedback and new knowledge to gain evidence.

  • Learning from interventions – your actions are always specific, but their consequences cannot be foreseen . This is how learning occurs.
  • Interventions – how will you evidence change through your process of research
  • Next Monday – tutorial – draft made 

22nd April 2020

  • watch 2 videos and consider following questions:
  • 1. What have you identified in these talks and interviews that tell you more than title itself?
  • 2. Do you agree or disagree that the fact that this is an expert speaking in their own words adds a nuance and a level of emotion that is seldom present in books or journals?
  • 3. Do experts think and communicate differently when speaking, as opposed to writing. Are they less guarded, more open, and give more voice to doubts and uncertainties?

Wednesday evening discussion : Project C

28th April 2020

MA AICI Full Time term two

week 3 : Tuesday Depth learning, courage , uncertainty , library session 

What Why How if – Leaning agreement, the blog. the speaker debates

  • The courage to ask questions
  • Depth learning, bring yourself into the work, being prepared to bring something about yourself and expose to the world . be prepared to be rejected that’s where comes the courage
  • Hannah Arendt , the human condition. “the connotation of courage, which we now feel to be an indispensable quality of the hero, is in fact already present in a willingness to ac and speak at all, to insert oneself into the world and begin a story of one’s own”
  • how do you understand these words in relation to the WHAT WHY HOW WHAT IF project? what is your what and why and what is it you’re trying to accomplish?
  • Surface learning / strategic learning / depth learning 
  • Uncertainty – research can’t exists without uncertainty 
  • some people find uncertainty very hard to tolerate. They will engage in strategies such as seeking reassurance, avoidance and procrastination in order to lessen their sense of uncertainty. 
  • However, true ground- breaking research deals in uncertainty. In action research, for example, we by definition do not know what will happen when we make an intervention. By seeking certainty, we are aiming at the impossible. 
  • Excessive anxiety over uncertainty leads some misguided students to seek reassurance (asking tutor for every step)
  • The courage to ask questions What: What is the subject of area that you intend to research? What is the precise question that you will be addressing  
  • Why is this subject matter worth researching for you?

Defining your question….

Explore how different expressions of a question yield various possibilities for possible interventions.

A useful formula…

X is the creative action, Y is the objective, Z is the audience / stakeholder

Typical subject matter…

typical example: Recycling (general interest) – how can multi-sensory application create new modes of engagement in communication the problem of waste in expanding communities.

  • same subject matter : generate different questions from the same perspective but different interest 
  • How can curriculum innovation educate…. (focus on different act on intervention)
  • collaborators, your intervention might change : technology – education –
  • UN sustainable development goals , your areas might touch one outhouse areas. worth to look at and thing about.
  • Reading resource: Kathryn Schulz – ted talk on being wrong 
  • MADE TO STICK – ultimate model of simplicity. a one sentence statement so profound that an individual cold spend a lifetime learning to follow it or share it.
  • how others understand and reinterpret your question – communicate your idea, if its difficult for yourself to articulate your idea how would the others to understand it?
  • Padlet :


  1. Each define your initial question that is routed from your uncertainty
  2. Define WHY based on research
  3. Think of possible action can you develop from these questions?

How can (X)

achieve (Y)

For the purpose of (Z)

(X) is the Creative Action

(Y) is the Objective

(Z) is the Audience/Stakeholder

Library Session:

proquest – UAL library search – ebook/ journal

University of arts library. library search – UAL article plus search

A-Z Databases

29th April Wednesday 

What Why how if 

Padlet topics – answer questions – more emphasis on “WHY”

Identify gaps of what is missing ..

research is valid…  how to take it further for future research

being a change maker – might be a philosophical question , but need yto think of a rhetorical question – HOW CAN question .

Begin to see the value of HOW CAN questions

what’s missing in the statement ?  – add date or proof – primary or secondary research

What they are looking for: How will you develop your question?

Who are your stakeholders ?  – narrow down your group 

How/Where might be accessed? – where will they hang out, where are they located 

What kinds of intervention might affect them? – what kind of activity will change their responses 

4th-May-2020 Tutorials David’s group

what and if – obstructors

if they don’t exist – why didn’t they exist – something talked about what we discussed 

manifesting ideas – timing and how you’ve tested 

considering being more creative – what  you wanna achieve from this MA ?
engaging certain crowds with emotion responses 

screenplay ? Documentation? Film? Demonstration to your research … doing another publication?

push yourself creatively 

tv show, creatively twist idea- change of format might be exciting but must have a strong research base

Today – listening and  give feedbacks 

500- words Wednesday 

 Evelyne – fashion background – point of view 

Xiaoyuan- male dominated society 

if you can’t change the eye of the views but you can change the feeling about women themselves – where is this barrier coming from , is it all men, is it structural , where is your challenging coming from

Body-shaming ? Psychology 

Think about what is it you wanna change ? What is the how can question ?

starting point: start with 3 questions, narrow down to your question

What are the challenges they face that is different to others 

Map the challenges prevent your particular challenges

Leading question – bias statement 

you have a positive / negative phrase in it .

In a survey where someone has a preferred brand of coffee

the fact the word like in it is suggesting the person receiving to answer you like it . 

fulfilling your bias 

for your research you re asking as ask of the question in the positive to agree on something 

in survey/ research question never use the word like of like 

where the research is leading the respondent to the answer

you want independent answers to the questions 

Make clear about audience 

 Evelyne: virtual fitting room – Ecommerce project ?

page one line one  find out whether your project is already existed 

but there’s always new combination of the ideas

 evolve the idea , learn from mistakes and failure 

If it didn’t it’s fine, why did it not work 

change the way people shop – how will that affect commerce 

in mindful not be suduced by technology

virtual fitting room has the potential – 

what is the individuality – what is the style who has the power to decide  

how do people find their style 


you can say you shouldn’t be doing but there’s more than one way to make a point 


what’s possible 

starting point is powerful , was powerful because from audience 

decay the word

tackle the question – victim of the decay you’re talking about 

youth culture – less tired -catch youth culture 

become the victim of it myself 

inform my position at this point

start with questioning the stand of beauty 

don’t look at your project just as interests look them as stepping stone 

challenge to do : define beauty standards 

map out the beauty standards are , find out what is relevant 

use the context I’m in, what is the beauty standard in china, how does it intersect the standards you’re looking with 

fashion photography – what’s current , what’s external , beauty standards that are happening intersection that you’re in. 

social media, where the markets intellect 

diversity, predominate Chinese consumers, ethnicity  


intervention: creating an image of that beauty standards look like and how can that be pushed.

taste , change it, evolve the taste 

sour things, introduce gradually 


define what the beauty standard is , compare and contrast 

evidence of images to represent the beauty standards, 

test with audience 

style – looks 

in order to evolve your understanding 

construct your beauty standard inform your audience not the other way 


Exam boards – the academic board has approved the introduction …

The reassurance this safety net grade provides should allow students to concentrate on producing the best work they can in the rearranged online environment without worrying that if they take risks it would lead to a lower grade than they might have a achieved .

Macmillan Citethemright – bibliography 

Assessment – Holistic (includes all the work you have done)

Formative and summative

Projects are created to give students the occasion to achieve and evidence their learning outcomes. 

Failure: formative assessment – summative assessment 

Assessment deliverables: The holistic view

WWHI presentation / Learning Log/ Written reports /Projects 1-6 

show evidences, research, references, written evidence

hand in – 11th May 

how the student looking to collaborate and external feedbacks

Project overview communication – transformation – skills and tools

the clarity of communication – more transparent way we have to assess

Assessment criteria – level 7 

evidence of intervention are visible through journals 

be critical, what worked and record failures 

Unit one assessment 

retrieval is the process that you engage with if you fail a unit. It is a single chance to retake the unit, achieve the Unite learning outcomes, and pass. However a retrieval grade is always capped at D-

You must pass unit one 

how would we be marked for this project? depends on our final presentation? or every step?- 

assess everything from project one. the strength of your work, proposal, everything in the past . strength of presentation is import as well

More articulation and your research 

academic support 

make sure to research deep enough to move your thoughts beyond predictable 

qualitative research – observational studies -interviews

beyond quantitive research 

quantitive data is important 

Library –

How to search 

identifying research vocabulary 

identifying key concepts


6th-May-2020 Wednesday 

course aim: new and in-depth knowledge about your personal research question, informed by advanced research strategies that use your interventions (such as artefacts, events or processes) as a primary means of confirming what is not yet fully known.

  • will never be judged by the beauty and capability of your intervention
  • Course outcome: an ability to express research questions in ways that can be experienced and shared with stakeholders and other audiences in an independent and self-directed project 
  • An ability to use questions to gain evidence, and to convert evidence into both practical and in-depth understandings.
  • Self-direction, originality, critical awareness and informed decision-making in instigating, managing, concluding and articulating outcomes at Masters level
  • An ability to work, contribute and participate effectively and responsibly as an individual and collaboratively, both as part of a team and with external and/or industry partners.
  • Unit 1 Imagination: Unit 1 requires students to challenge their world view and reconsider their values, while simultaneously becoming aware of the potential of external, action based research to uncover new questions and new levels of insight and understanding. (uncertainty)
  • Unit briefing and introduction, project briefs, seminars and workshops, introducing different ways of locating, interrogating, interpreting, recognising and communicating the value of different kinds of data
  • contact with external stakeholders
  • team working , speaker presentations 
  • studio visits and other filed trips, 
  • use of library ,
  • student presentations to tutors and peers
  • peer and external feedbacks
  • tutorial facilitation 

Roles: Scholars, investors, publishers, opinion leaders, journalists

Expertise is no longer a protected island. Democratisation of knowledge is a homogeneous entity. 

A subculture of its own.

Who are the experts you are approaching – when you think of your questions, if the change i want to see happens would these people still be experts?

CAN you think of a business/entity/idea/process where ‘knowledge’ is protected


when collaborating with a company that holds technology that you need and don’t have access to

How the government withholds or restricts informations, for example court cases

End of unit 1- formulating research questions

Why do we require you to formulate a specific research question?

We very strongly encourage the “how can” format for your question ?

How does change occur in the world?


WWHI presentation 


Extensive reading list and bibliography


Key: What have you learnt

Made a break through 

Generated data through research 

Excellent for David to hear: from generating data to realising questions to improve them

ask better questions

graphs: pinpoints – are of interest that direct and prepare your project forward 

ask separate sample group

focus central group to test questions 

real point: how am i going to test the final idea

transcending boundaries…

 How are you going test – 

How you think to move away from the female body form 

move away from the predictable 

magazine – film 

moving away from the body form 

if beauty wear to take another form , other than the body how would it appear

still photography 

other senses – what beauty sounds like

an element how people define beauty and beauty emerge through other channels

you want to challenge the male gaze , challenge how male and females to define beauty 

gender boundaries

accessing – social issues LGBTQ Asexual 

gender garment 

how is beauty communicated through those arenas

Try to find out what the intervention is 

a response – create and action 

no real action has coming through 

what is the intervention 

think beyond the medium into the content 

what is I’m trying to communicate trying to catch 

through lens

The notion of male gaza, what is the female gaze in comparison to the male gaze

 not fall into the obvious trap

reiterating the role of men in the beauty standards 

look at the role of beauty 

status quo 

from people to people all den mention 

in the Uk western world feminist dialogue 

balance out 

identify the balance of power 

whoever determines the standards, 

What is your current question 

What has been done online already


Unit2: Application 

define your research proposal

establish the networks required for stakeholder engagement and external  experts

Demonstrate an understanding of the methodologies of action research

In this unit, the course team will support you in finding your “best way”

forward, without predicting or prescribing your next steps. 

– Stakeholder involvement is inadequate, and the form of testing is not of interest to them

First phase of Unit2 : Vonventrates on refining and redefining the student’s study proposal for their major research project their :’WHAT WHY HOW IF’

External Testing!!

Book : research for designers Gjoko Muratovski

discusses differences between research methods and methodologies 

APPROACH TO STAKEHOLDERS: what the interviewees may gain from your research , what may they benefit 

LEARNING LOG: The log charts the student’s progress, including a record of evidence of testing and creative setbacks, as well as the achievement of new thresholds of knowledge. 

Development and maintenance of the learning log.

  • Examples of actual dates of logs 
  • achieve – timeline put date of the post on the top of the post 
  • Deployment of high level skills to communicate effectively and professionally with a range of audiences
  • The ability to give your question form through the creation and presentation of a series of interventions (artefacts, events, processes) designed to elicit and test external responses to your project.
  • Make sure you reflect and test 

Assessment Deliverables: The holistic view

5 min presentation / 750-1000 research report / Research+reflective journal 

Articulation: narrow down from broad topic – Theme field – Question – Intervention – new knowledge change

13th -May-2020

Week 5: Wednesday

Change making and making connections 

Reflection and the learning log

14th-May Hand-in date for WWHWI assessed written deliverable

and for your non-assessed learning agreement 

Upload to Moodle – bibliography 

Week 6: 18th May

Introductory tutorial with your new Unit two tutors

19-20th May

Summer Incubator Lab, Part one with Dr Cvetana Ivanova – personal research 

20th May

Delivery by groups A,B and K of the visiting speaker project 

Week7: 25th May – UK public Holiday

26th May- Visiting lecturer Dominic Stone, on “Desire paths and cognitive bias”

Change making and Making connections 


Allowing the unpredictable to happen

Scalability and Intention or

A sharp knife cuts deep

you don’t have to have massive scale, don’t have to deal with many customer, protest is the thing to think of first 

if your project comes to the real world require scalability 

don’t ignore the small processes that appear during your testing 

History: During the 1960s, and later, you could argue that music occupied a place analogous to social media today. It was reshaping people’s way of thinking.

But simultaneously, there were processes at work to incorporate these new discourses within established political and economic power structures.

Delia Derbyshire – The white noise

Her huge influence has been more subtle, more under the radar

The philosopher Gilles Deleuze talks about “the fold”

as a process which is perpetually at work within advanced capitalist societies. That which lies on the cultural margins, at the edge, constantly becomes incorporated in economic processes as the subject of wealth creation and the operations of the state. In fact, this process is how such institutions maintain and reinvent themselves. 


  • 8:33 PMAnd David Bowie?

What exactly do we mean by ‘the cultural margins’?

What does it mean to be marginalised?

How does your work draw on the cultural margins, and their relationship with the centre?

Do what you do with intentionality. Do your research thoroughly.

But also learn how to let go, and allow change to occur…

You can start small.

The scale and the fold in the end will take care of itself. The centre is always looking to co-operate margins. 

Gatekeepers and The Gatekeeper Butterfly.


Wide project still quit wide

What is your goal

questionnaires, get image of what people thing beauty standards are?

Change – area could be more interesting and more sensitive 

how much are they impacting us,

Beauty standards are fundamental – find out they are so strict beauty standards to women, female are judged more. 

And beauty standards to male

why women are judged much strongly than men

judge by the looks

how important  

define question through unit 2 and 3

don’t loose interests in 

find how exactly your question will be based on that 

wonder through 2+3 – do i want to change my question 

do they got sidetracked by something else

for myself – is it really answer how certain group should be more confident

slight different than focusing on the aesthetic standard

stay aware where your questions lies

refine your question and move to something more specific 

is photography gonna be a key-part 

you could go into any track

don’t go too deep now or get distracted by too much research 

what will be lead towards the question I’m really asking 

is this I’m researching tightly related to my question 


Cognitive bias and desire paths by Dominic Stone

Individual braincell – Linear and hierarchical models in science 

before renaissance – circular circle all the things came along 

during the 20th central desire of…

Charles Darwin – emergence , complexity 

evolution of human 

Charles Babbage (1791-1871)

and his “difference engine”

his brain… typical of victorians they can take thing away in small components even animals – evolution of computers

Feedback , error and noise

Idea of iteration an testing things, by crushing it, failure and failure modes are absolutely critical for learning 

Examples: Harry Beck: Underground map 1931. navigation and indication for networks 

Desired path – Flicker

Human minds wants to understand the path

Christopher Alexander: A city is not a tree

previously  desired path

city emerged as communication spots where to settle 

Gladwell’s ‘social epidemics’

Epidemics behave in a very unusual and counterintuitive way 

they can blow up and then die out really quickly, and even the smallest change can get them started.

My argument is that it is also the way that change often happens in the rest of the worlds. Things can happen all at once, and little changes can make a huge difference .

As human beings , we always expect everyday change to happen slowly and steadily, and for there to be some relationship between cause and effect. And when there isn’t we are surprise.

Linearity – things follow and overlay within a certain path

Q: for the there is no random things in chaos, the speaker talks about the money market is all about human’s brain. is he saying that the brain works by orders or be manipulated by information in the market?

A: counterproductive , panic emotions – no gain and losing 

cognitive bias

Term two week Seven

Desire paths and Cognitive bias – Planning ahead / the learning log

Key Dates-

Monday 1 June: Tutorials

Tuesday 2 June: Mapping 

Wednesday 3 June: Alumni Mentoring

Monday 8June: Tutorials/ what why

9th June: Summer lab part2 

10th June: project

Monday 15th Tutorials

16th June : Independent study

Wednesday 17th June: Alumni Mentoring

An online learning log is one of your deliverables for Unit Two.

Learning logs are a documentary records of learner’s work

What will i document and why?

The log is there to help you observe and share the processes of your own leaning so:

What is your question? Has it changed? Why? What have you accomplished lately?

Where are you going to focus your attention next:?

What planning and resources will this next step require?

Show evidence of your research : For example, evidence of your critical reflection on reading that informs your work.

Show evidence of your intervention development. As this develops, record the thinking that informs your progress. Process is far more relevant here than outcome.

Record you uncertainties .

Medium- photography – software, online techniques,.encountering boundaries

How will you : Establish networks, interrogate your research question etc.

Your learning log is a learning tool as well as a record of your practice. It will allow you to reflect on the often unspoken assumptions that you bring to identifying challenges and planning solutions.

And the log should stop you working about “failed” interventions. An intervention does not succeed of fail – it is simply a vehicle to obtain feedback about your question.

How many did you send, how many replies or no replies, what was the cause, was it too long? wording? Analyse what went right and wrong in the communication to the learning log. 

map up schedule 

Next Monday:

  1. Update your learning log
  2. Map out your schedule or plan of how you intend to use the next three moths of the course, the remainder of unit 2
  3. Organise and document your background reading for research. A good place to record this would be in your learning log.

The art of powerful questions: Catalyzing Insight, Innovation and Action (Brown, Issacs, Brown)

Inquisitive polarity:

Preliminary: A base question is preceded with: What why where when is it can it?

Epistemic (relating to knowledge):

A powerful deeper question, generates curiosity in the listener, stimulates reflective conversation, is thought-provoking, surfaces underlying assumptions, invites creativity

2nd – June

Defining the points of this pentagram from your own experience would be an excellent promptly for writing in your learning log and for developing your networks.

My learning ecology:

  1. My contexts. Home and family, educational work, travel, hobbies and interests everyday situations in my world
  2. My relationships. with people both existing and newly developed and with things, objects and tools in my physical or virtual environment 
  3. My process
  4. My resources

There is no purpose served by creating a new intervention until you have….

a learning ecology thinks about itself and its habits. indivisuals represent themselves and the ecology as they see it. They actively create, modify and destroy learning territories and niches.

8th- June 

Example question: Can a psycho-education video be used as an additional resource intervention …

Rational research quantity and quality 

Clinical anxiety , Increase in demands across all services

Mind: we need to talk coalition = survey

loads demand within UAL

external factors, utility is going to benefit 

Normalising anxiety and reducing over pathologising

Research methods: Measure effectiveness: generalised anxiety disorder – 7 questionnaires administered to 5 students before and after

what intervention to use to measure to make it more qualitative research 

Outcomes : leaflets feedback questionnaires 

students liked all topics covered but preferred information to be less dense 

effectiveness of online psycho-education resources: video

a range of different things: movies and films, specific things about them

animations, male leads, female leads, voice overs etc;.

really need to go out of the way move outside of the topic 

look at audios, images, students preferred the animation, more images and colours, shorter clips, 

NHS choice audios, 

Analysis – date analysis

Thematic analysis 

student experience – go online/ signposted – introduction on anxiety

triggers for anxiety- information on the brain – thoughts, emotions& behaviours

strategies to manage anxiety 


Communicating to a range of audiences 

Deployment of high level skills to communicate effectively & professionally with a range of audiences 

In regard to you individual research projects: How can you communicate to a range of audiences, yet focus on a specific user group?

Icon – neural 

sustainable fashion – how can you identify which groups you’re targeting 

“Fight inequality by communicating to the masses” Georg Olden, 1964

9th- June -2020

Summer Incubator

Edward de Bono – six thinking hats

  1. Focuses on fats and data
  2. Manages the process
  3. Explores value and benefits
  4. Considers feelings, both positive and negative 
  5. Looks for alternatives, new solutions, and creative ideas
  6. Judges and plays “Devil’s advocate”

White- What do we know? What does this tell me?

Green – What are some alternatives? How can we innovate?

Blue – How do we approach this problem? What are the ground rules?

Yellow – What works? What are the benefits?

Red – How does this make us feel? How will customers feel?

Black – What doesn’t work? What could go wrong?

Research lab incubator:

e.g. manifesto for growth Bruce Mao

The law of persistence

Research LabL Identity

Intervention is inserting yourself into the world = a tool to express yourself

Create association networks

to contextualise in a new way

your subject question / project 

Form solution / result of an emerging exponentially complexity

  • via harnessing it with higher complexity model
  • redefine the essentials
  • keep minimalism a lifestyle

Assessment Feedbacks:

Enquiry: Very good evidence of engagement in practice informed by comprehensive analysis and evaluation of diverse complex practices, concepts and theories. (B)

Knowledge: Good evidence of critical analysis and synthesis of a range of practical, conceptual and technical knowledges. (C)

Process: Very good evidence of experimenting and critically evaluating methods, results and their implications in a range of complex and emergent situations

Communication: Very good evidence of an articulation of criticality, clarity and depth. Very good evidence of communicating a diverse range of intentions, contexts, sources and arguments appropriate to your audiences. (B)

Realisation: Good evidence of advancing the personal, professional and academic standards of production.

What seems to be missing at this stage of the enquiry is a more critical analytical approach to the question and context of beauty standards and where and who ‘creates’ them in comparison to where and who lives with the ‘implementation’ of those values in the daily lives of people. There is an assumption that the same level, acceptance and implementation of this value standard is ‘standard’ everywhere and I would suggest this is not the case – not everywhere and not to the same degree. Context is key. The strength and clarity of the initial question is positive, because it is a good question it is open to deeper scrutiny – but its main strength is that some semblance of academic measurement to be improved on.

Once a more effective combination of target audience, stakeholder and expert is identified the question can potentially evolve as a more effective evolving research tool. The list of possible combinations of context and influences is long and the subject of beauty standards is old, therefore an academic argument needs to be formed for identifying a focus of value where the potential for new knowledge could be found beyond photography.

Example email to stakeholders:

Dear xxx, (To whom it may concern)

My name is Jess, I am currently a MA Applied Imagination in The Creative Industries student at UAL Central Saint Martins. I am writing to you regarding my current research project on ……

During my research, based on ….. I’m wondering if you wouldn’t mind sparing a couple of minutes for an interview. This could help….and would be a great push to develop this research further. Please see the proposal and visual materials attatched, I would really appreciate your professional views and suggestions.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration, I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Jessica Zheng


Week 10 – Last week of term time but various ways to gentle transition to independent studies

Monday – Tutor ‘Ted’ talks part 2


Tuesday – Time planning and research design

preparing for independent study

Wednesday – speakers

Zulika: Being proactive : the ability to take responsibility for your self direction – being productive – making mistakes, research , vulnerability, anticipating needs, using your initiative, networking, resource-fullness, being shameless, taking risks, networking , leaning about your transferrable skills, accountability, utilising lived experience, opposite of reactive, taking control, causing change , surrendering to the process

take pictures of small mundane things 

Reaching to the stakeholders: don’t introduce yourself as a student too quickly 

give context and qualify your understanding 

don’t generalise about their expertise

be specific and exact about why you are talking to them

do value peoples attention 

don’t copy paste your email

keep your word count too minimum

attachments could you problematic 

  • attach your one page website
  • use pdf if necessary 
  • communicate that you value their expertise as well as their time and you are interested in their vies on your research question
  • keep it formal and business
  • be realistic, be strategic, be flexible, be courageous, plan ahead
  • don’t wait for perfect conditions, take risks

Defining the research enquiry , what are you researching?

The research question can play a crucial part in the success or failure of a project

17th – June – 2020

Key dates until the end of unit two:

22 June: Online drop-in session (45min)

23 June: Bookable tutorials with RM/RR

29 June: Online drop-in session

29 June – 3 July: personal tutorials

6 July: Online Drop-in session 

7 July: Bookable tutorials with RM/RR

13 July: online drop-in session 

13-17 July: personal tutorials 

drop-in session: available at 20 mins slots – begin with weekly arrangements 

open up confusions between yourself and tutorials / tutors

20 July online drop-in session 

21 July: Bookable tutorials with RM/RR

27 July: online drop-in session

28 July: Bookable tutorials with Rm/RR

3 August: Online drop-in session

4 August: Bookable tutorials with RM/RR

10 August: online drop-in session

10- 14 August: personal tutorials

24 August: Hand-in for Unit two written work

2-3 September: Unit Two presentations

7 September: Unit 3 begins

7 September: online drop-in session

8 September: Bookable tutorials with RM/RR

Unit Three (7 September – 11 December)

uni planning on re-opening from 19th Oct

first 6 weeks of Unit three will be delivered in an online mode

the remaining 8 weeks of the unit (until final assessment in the week of 7 December) will be delivered in a ‘blended’ mode, i.e. partly online, partly in the building.

Unit Three (7 September – 11 December)

To ensure parity of experience for all students on the MAAI course, we are committed to offering our students the choice of either completing the course online, or returning to the Kings Cross building for their studies.

The Festival

The limited opening of the Kings Cross building this autumn means that out end-of-course Festival will have to be planned as a blended event, with the opportunity for students to display their work online and – space and building access permitting the possibility of some accompanying physical events in the  KX building.

Share your work through IBM online space – display to the world

The course team would like to run an internal online showcase event

What is independent study?

 Direct correlation between testing and planning

makes sure to plan ahead up to September for unit two assessment 

Iterative research :

Action research and Learning from Interventions , some common problems :

Masterness: Professionalism. Autonomy, depth, abstraction, complexity, research, unpredictability.

Interventions: your actions are always specific, but their consequences can not be foreseen. This is how learning occurs. 

Some of the proposed interventions are still a little confirmatory.

They lack the potential to cause unexpected outcomes and thus drive your knowledge forward. The are too solution- focused. 

Interventions: How will you evidence change that occurs as a result of your interventions?

How will this evidence in turn lead you to change your interventions?

1st-July – 2020 Jasminka tutorial feedbacks

Go back to the tool you’re familiar with, photography , drawing , when you’re blocked and researched too much .

break through 

always good to ask a lot of people – questionnaire 

in your case: think of a handful of people who represent your target audience

friends / who you know bit better., interviews 

some of the things can reach out in a conversation rather than questionnaire 


small handful of people who you ask at each stage. some days we feel great some days we don’t feel anything at all

everyone goes through how you feel through out the day 

perfect photoshoots 

show examples of different things how they look at different groups something after the photoshoot 

choose something and see how they feel about them 

stakeholder – are they enough ? – you need some experts voices – qualitative and quantitive research 

key stakeholders, having proper chats and conversation questionnaires 

different voices but higher in numbers.