Unit Two Tutorial Feedbacks

Unit Two Tutorial Feedbacks

4th-May-2020 Tutorials David’s group

what and if – obstructors

if they don’t exist – why didn’t they exist – something talked about what we discussed 

manifesting ideas – timing and how you’ve tested 

considering being more creative – what  you wanna achieve from this MA ?
engaging certain crowds with emotion responses 

screenplay ? Documentation? Film? Demonstration to your research … doing another publication?

push yourself creatively 

tv show, creatively twist idea- change of format might be exciting but must have a strong research base

Today – listening and  give feedbacks 

500- words Wednesday 

Evelyne – fashion background – point of view 

Xiaoyuan- male dominated society 

if you can’t change the eye of the views but you can change the feeling about women themselves – where is this barrier coming from , is it all men, is it structural , where is your challenging coming from

Body-shaming ? Psychology 

Think about what is it you wanna change ? What is the how can question ?

starting point: start with 3 questions, narrow down to your question

What are the challenges they face that is different to others 

Map the challenges prevent your particular challenges

Leading question – bias statement 

you have a positive / negative phrase in it .

In a survey where someone has a preferred brand of coffee

the fact the word like in it is suggesting the person receiving to answer you like it . 

fulfilling your bias 

for your research you re asking as ask of the question in the positive to agree on something 

in survey/ research question never use the word like of like 

where the research is leading the respondent to the answer

you want independent answers to the questions 

Make clear about audience 

 Evelyne: virtual fitting room – Ecommerce project ?

page one line one  find out whether your project is already existed 

but there’s always new combination of the ideas

 evolve the idea , learn from mistakes and failure 

If it didn’t it’s fine, why did it not work 

change the way people shop – how will that affect commerce 

in mindful not be suduced by technology

virtual fitting room has the potential – 

what is the individuality – what is the style who has the power to decide  

how do people find their style 


you can say you shouldn’t be doing but there’s more than one way to make a point 


what’s possible 

starting point is powerful , was powerful because from audience 

decay the word

tackle the question – victim of the decay you’re talking about 

youth culture – less tired -catch youth culture 

become the victim of it myself 

inform my position at this point

start with questioning the stand of beauty 

don’t look at your project just as interests look them as stepping stone 

challenge to do : define beauty standards 

map out the beauty standards are , find out what is relevant 

use the context I’m in, what is the beauty standard in china, how does it intersect the standards you’re looking with 

fashion photography – what’s current , what’s external , beauty standards that are happening intersection that you’re in. 

social media, where the markets intellect 

diversity, predominate Chinese consumers, ethnicity  


intervention: creating an image of that beauty standards look like and how can that be pushed.

taste , change it, evolve the taste 

sour things, introduce gradually 


define what the beauty standard is , compare and contrast 

evidence of images to represent the beauty standards, 

test with audience 

style – looks 

in order to evolve your understanding 

construct your beauty standard inform your audience not the other way 


Unit2: Application 

define your research proposal

establish the networks required for stakeholder engagement and external  experts

Demonstrate an understanding of the methodologies of action research

In this unit, the course team will support you in finding your “best way”

forward, without predicting or prescribing your next steps. 

– Stakeholder involvement is inadequate, and the form of testing is not of interest to them

First phase of Unit2 : Vonventrates on refining and redefining the student’s study proposal for their major research project their :’WHAT WHY HOW IF’

External Testing!!

discusses differences between research methods and methodologies 

APPROACH TO STAKEHOLDERS: what the interviewees may gain from your research , what may they benefit 

LEARNING LOG: The log charts the student’s progress, including a record of evidence of testing and creative setbacks, as well as the achievement of new thresholds of knowledge. 

Development and maintenance of the learning log.

  • Examples of actual dates of logs 
  • achieve – timeline put date of the post on the top of the post 
  • Deployment of high level skills to communicate effectively and professionally with a range of audiences
  • The ability to give your question form through the creation and presentation of a series of interventions (artefacts, events, processes) designed to elicit and test external responses to your project.
  • Make sure you reflect and test 

Assessment Deliverables: The holistic view

5 min presentation / 750-1000 research report / Research+reflective journal 

8th- June


Communicating to a range of audiences 

Deployment of high level skills to communicate effectively & professionally with a range of audiences 

In regard to you individual research projects: How can you communicate to a range of audiences, yet focus on a specific user group?

Icon – neural 

sustainable fashion – how can you identify which groups you’re targeting 

“Fight inequality by communicating to the masses” Georg Olden, 1964

1st-July – Jasminka tutorial feedbacks

Go back to the tool you’re familiar with, photography , drawing , when you’re blocked and researched too much .

break through 

always good to ask a lot of people – questionnaire 

in your case: think of a handful of people who represent your target audience

friends / who you know bit better., interviews 

some of the things can reach out in a conversation rather than questionnaire 


small handful of people who you ask at each stage. some days we feel great some days we don’t feel anything at all

everyone goes through how you feel through out the day 

perfect photoshoots 

show examples of different things how they look at different groups something after the photoshoot 

choose something and see how they feel about them 

stakeholder – are they enough ? – you need some experts voices – qualitative and quantitive research 

key stakeholders, having proper chats and conversation questionnaires 

different voices but higher in numbers.