Unit 2 Assessment feedbacks & Self Reviews

Unit 2 Assessment feedbacks & Self Reviews

Enquiry: Excellent evidence of engagement in practice informed by comprehensive analysis and evaluation of diverse complex practices, concepts and theories (A)

Knowledge: Excellent evidence of critical analysis and synthesis of a range of practical, conceptual and technical knowledge(s) (A)

Process: Good evidence of experimenting and critically evaluating methods, results and their implications in a range of complex and emergent situations (C)

Communication: Excellent evidence of an articulation of criticality, clarity and depth. Excellent evidence of communicating a diverse range of intentions, contexts, sources and arguments appropriate to your audiences (A)

Realisation: Good evidence of advancing the personal, professional and academic standards of production (C)

Jasminka’s feedback: “Jessica has chosen a research topic that is quite of personal interest and concern to her and to a wide audience as well, so there is a lot of potential. She has done some detailed secondary research and also finally reached out to quite a few stakeholders, which is good. So far the project still lacks focus and real interventions. She considers her interviews as interventions, which is not the case. She plans to organise a photo-shoot which she will hopefully use to undertake action research and fulfil the huge potential of this research field.

Jessica’s formal Unit Two presentation was information-rich, with a very good use of secondary evidence and with a strong narrative structure. The planned interventions will potentially be exciting, if they play out as proposed.”

My journey for this project since the beginning of Unit 2 has continuously been research based, with realisation of the importance of reaching out to stakeholders and professionals. The initial enquiry led me to the followed up research and such research had widen my thoughts, however I do need to work on pushing the project forward and develop further on actually making the change happen.  

Choosing the topic with a strong personal interest is where my advantage lies, however as Jasminka suggested that my interviews are not interventions. I will consider more carefully in the next following stages, also aiming to find a way to interact with my audiences, and getting feedbacks from them.